A great product description is only great if it achieves its one purpose; persuading visitors to buy the product. One of the main reasons product descriptions are so important is the fact they allow sellers to state the product benefits and clarify any customer doubts ahead of a sale, letting them buy with confidence. They’re also a great way to introduce more of your brand personality to customers. Statistics show that if you can make a sales lead laugh, you are 90% closer to making a sale, meaning it’s a brilliant place to inject some fun from your brand. Optimizing your product descriptions for SEO can both positively affect consumer response and strengthen your brand voice and awareness.
To inspire your next product descriptions, we’re sharing our top picks for the funniest and most creative brands of 2020.
1. Firebox
One company notable for producing product descriptions laced with humor and benefits is Firebox. Their product descriptions often alert customers to problems they never knew they had and offer their solutions in a funny and relatable way. This is down to their brilliant Storytelling, a crucial part of generating a remarkable brand. Great storytelling draws in new customers, increases customer loyalty, promotes your brand’s credibility, and drives more sales. Firebox’s copywriters are masters of the art of funny product descriptions using storytelling. This strategy is one of the reasons they are a memorable brand with a unique brand voice.

2. Palace Skateboards
The Palace Skateboard Company is one of the most exciting street culture brands on the planet. A major selling point of the Palace is its insanely humorous product descriptions. Their product copies are so memorable that any street fashion brand in the UK would have a hard time rivaling their huge cult following. The company started as a self-confident brand that chooses not to play by the rules and carried on doing precisely that. Replicating this strategy may make or mar your brand; however, it explains humor and creativity’s influence on creating a brand voice.
Kallo is a Dutch brand that is most loved for creating stock cubes. However, what makes them unique is the product copy displayed on its site.
Kallo does not call attention to its delicious and organic low-fat rice cakes. You won’t even get a whiff of an ingredient listing. You will surprisingly encounter on each page of its official website is a poem.
The poems are relatively random. Nevertheless, the warm and delightful tone of voice is always unmistakable.
What makes Kallo’s website even more intriguing is that it showcases no option to buy any product and what does that imply?
It simply means Kallo doesn’t rely on its product copy to bring in sales. Their poems are a fun and equally capable way to achieve the same SEO and sales results as a great Product description.
4. Soap and Glory
Most skincare and beauty brands are notorious for their scant product descriptions. When it comes to skincare you can’t avoid the obvious information such as the benefits, or ingredients.
However, one brand in that niche has chosen to strike a balance. Soap & Glory injects gentle, sarcastic wit into its well-crafted product copy. Its production descriptions? Let’s say each one sings the product’s praises with a pun or two included for fun.
Soap & Glory speaks directly to its target audience and pulls no punches. The self-aware humor injected in its microcopy may be sarcastic in tone, but their audience is never offended, often praising the quirkiness of the brand.

5. Old Spice
The first ten words of your press release are vital. This applies to readers – i.e., journalists – and search engines.
Press release and SEO go hand in hand. Google and Bing always assess press releases as part of SEO to determine page rank. Open your press release with a very brief description of the report. Then, flesh out the details accordingly. If you do your SEO correctly on your press release, your site may boost the SERPs, attracting more traffic to your page over time.
6. Think Geek
When you think of Think Geek (forgive the irony), think of a nerdish Firebox. However, Think Geek asserts itself from its rival brand by its pertinent and more succinct product copy.
Conveying the profound benefits of a product in such a few words is incredibly difficult. Think Geek found a way to convey relevant information in not more than 3 bullet points.
7. Dollar Shave Club
When you think of Think Geek (forgive the irony), think of a nerdish Firebox. However, Think Geek asserts itself from its rival brand by its pertinent and more succinct product copy.
Conveying the profound benefits of a product in such a few words is incredibly difficult. Think Geek found a way to convey relevant information in not more than 3 bullet points.
High-quality, well-laid-out, and humorous product descriptions can make a significant difference to both customer opinion and SEO. Good copy always boosts conversion rates. Differentiating your brand – via creative and funny product descriptions – will make you stand out from others.
So, get down to brass tacks: make your production descriptions informative, fun, and quirky. You will be amazed at the positive outcome and the effect on your brand.